Diocese of Salt Lake City offers a guide for people with immigration needs
The links below will help your family grow together in their love for God and one another.
www.rclbsacraments.com - Pardon and Peace – Primary and Intermediate Family Guides in English and Spanish
www.rclbsacraments.com – Filled with the Holy Spirit - Ideas for Candidates and Sponsors, Activities and Reflections
www.rclbsacraments.com - We Give Thanks and Praise – Primary and Intermediate Family Guides in English and Spanish
For Grade Level
http://www.blestarewe.com/ - Students tab with Online Activities, Games, Quizzes, Parents tab with Saints and Questions
Resources for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation
Order of Mass
Click here for:
bilingual attachment
Our parish encourages parishioners to sign up for a free account on the Catholic website called FORMED. Saint Thomas often sponsors events and activities using FORMED videos and written materials. Its website brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly children’s programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with other providers, FORMED reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide.
Other Family Resources
Bible in a Year podcasts
Free Videos, Podcasts and Articles at Ascension Press
Saints Resource, a list of saints with short bios and other information about Catholic saints.
Catholic Resources - free resources, activities, videos and more for families and catechists
Daily Mass Reading Reflections
Vatican News - Vatican videos, pope’s daily mass, worldwide news
Catholic News – news, videos, movie reviews, Sunday scriptures
Explore the Bible online
Parent and Family Resources
Other Spanish Resources
La Eucaristía – We Give Thanks and Praise/Damos gracias y alabanza – Guías de Familia de Primaria e Intermedia en Español
La Reconciliación - Pardon and Peace/Perdon y Paz – Guías de Familia de Primaria e Intermedia en Español
Biblia en un Año podcast
Recurso Santos
La lectura de la misa del día
Recursos para padres y familias
Ordinario de la Misa - bilingual attachment