

Lectors play a vital role in the Mass by faithfully proclaiming the Word of the Lord to the congregation. Through their voluntary service, they become bearers of the divine message and actively participate in the sacred essence for which the Mass is celebrated. In carrying out this important ministry, lectors continue Christ's mission on earth to spread the teachings and word of the Father to all those in attendance, ensuring that the word of God is heard and understood by the faithful gathered for worship. They proclaim with a spirit of appreciation and love of the scriptures.


  • Lectors must have received their required sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation.
  • Weekend Masses and Holy Days of Obligation need two lectors.
  • The 1st Lector proclaims the 1st reading and also reads the petitions read after the priest or deacon's homily.
  • The 2nd Lector proclaims the 2nd reading and also reads the announcements after Mass.
  • Training will be provided. Lectors are scheduled to read at least once a month in a three month schedule cycle.

English Lectors

If you are willing to serve for Saturday 5pm or Sunday 10am Masses

Saturday 5pm and Sunday 10am

Noelle Call


Spanish Lectors

If you are willing to serve for Saturday 7pm or Sunday 1pm Masses

Sunday 1pm, Wednesday & Saturday 7pm

Laura Mora


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