Diocese of Salt Lake City offers a guide for people with immigration needs
Is Your Child Ready?
Read through this list of Sacramental Classes readiness indicators before enrolling your child.
Readiness Indicators for 1st RECONCILIATION and 1st COMMUINON:
Sacrament Classes
Sacramental Classes are for all baptized children grades 2nd - 12th, for 2 years
Class are held on Rotating Sundays from Fall to Spring for 2 years:
1st Year and 2nd Year Materials: Diocesan-approved liturgical based curriculum for all grades
The Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us…They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions. CCC 1131. Our parish sacramental preparation is a 2-year process.
Every student must:
St. Thomas Aquinas Monstrance Project Guidelines
St. Thomas Aquinas First Holy Eucharist Banner Project Guidelines
Click here First Reconciliation/Communion 2023 Mass Log
parent must sign and choose date for each Mass attendance.
Click here: First Communion Prayer List
Prayer Exam dates throughout 1st and 2nd year.
For Additional Resources for Reconciliation: Peace and Forgiveness Click here: http://rclbsacraments.com/
For Additional Resources for Eucharist: We Give Thanks and Praise Click here: http://rclbsacraments.com/